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Advice and Tips on Raising Chickens Easier to handle larger numbers of birds without making a neighborhood spectacle . It might be a good idea to keep them inside the coop for a couple of days if . http://venus.fandm.edu/~fcrawfor/coop.html Condition:5 | Perfect | 4 | Almost Perfect | 3 | Reasonable but with some damage | 2 | Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site | 1 | Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks | 0 | Inter-Cooperative Council - Prospective Plus, it makes your neighbors happy to have a nice-looking house and yard in their . Some ways to create co-op spirit: good food, shared meals, well-done . http://www.icc.coop/prospective/about/community.php | -1 | Completely destroyed | 3
Ambience:5 | Superb | 4 | Good | 3 | Ordinary | 2 | Not Good | 1 | Awful | 0 | 2010 Green Neighbors Friendly Area Homes Tour visits headlining ... Jul 31, 2010 . Eugene's Friendly Neighborhood eye-catching Common Ground right-of-way Cooperative Garden and Friendly Street's 'new urbanism'-styled . Village, passive solar home design, green building, beekeeping, and more. http://eugenesustainability.org/uncategorized/2010-green-neighbors-friendly-area-homes-tour-visits-headlining-common-ground-cooperative-garden-more-august-7-3/ | 3
Access:5 | Can be driven to, probably with disabled access | 4 | Short walk on a footpath | 3 | Requiring a bit more of a walk | 2 | A long walk | 1 | In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find | 0 | Wichita Cabin Coop - BackYard Chickens Community Jan 16, 2012 . BackYard Chickens article, Wichita Cabin Coop WICHITA "CABIN COOP" . Some of the prime design considerations used while designing/building this . I love your chicken coop beautiful my neighbor needs a good home . http://www.backyardchickens.com/a/wichita-cabin-coop | 5
Accuracy:5 | co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates | 4 | co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map | 3 | co-ordinates scaled from a bad map | 2 | co-ordinates of the nearest village | 1 | co-ordinates of the nearest town | 0 | no data | 5
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How to Keep Chickens in a City: Step-by-Step Instructions 2 days ago . Build your chickens a good coop out of strong materials. . risk of disease and parasites and it'll also keep your neighbors from complaining. 9 . http://www.wikihow.com/Keep-Chickens-in-a-City Neighborhood Life Jul 11, 2011 . The goal of the Food Coop has always been to “get good food and make it affordable, and let's get people to work together and cooperate, and . http://www.parkslopeciviccouncil.org/index.php?section=neighborhood-life&prrid=306
Diverse Community: Who Is My Neighbor? (K-2) SOC: Common Good; Communities; Cooperative Groups . share his or her personal strengths and talents to make the neighborhood a better place. define . http://learningtogive.org/lessons/unit252/ Chicken Coop Building Plans - How To Choose One Aug 24, 2011 . Some help on choosing the right chicken coop building plans for you . rules set forth in order to have a good relationship with your neighbor. http://ezinearticles.com/?Chicken-Coop-Building-Plans---How-To-Choose-One&id=6517366 StreetEasy: Talk - Sneaking pets into co-op I am looking at a co-op that is great except that no pets are allowed. . Go find a truly "pet friendly" building; there are plent of them. . So pets are a sensitive topic in apartment buildings--your neighbors' expectations should be respected. http://streeteasy.com/nyc/talk/discussion/20123-sneaking-pets-into-co-op
Cover Story - Cooperative Living Magazine J. Manley Garber: Portrait of a Good Neighbor. Story by Priscilla Knight, . The family had to make do without an electric well and indoor plumbing. “We bathed . http://www.co-opliving.com/coopliving/issues/2012/MarchApril%202012/cover%20story.htm
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She Brews Good Ale Apr 4, 2012 . I was asked by the Neighborhood Co-Op to create some beer-related classes for their upcoming cooking class schedule this season. I think we . http://shebrewsgoodale.wordpress.com/
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A Guide to Building Chicken Coops | poultryOne Guide to Raising ... In this guide, you'll discover what to look for when building a chicken coop or buying a . flock from hungry predators such as weasels, hawks and your neighbor's Golden Retriever. . It should be easy to clean and budget-friendly to maintain. http://poultryone.com/articles/housing-html
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Getting Approved An interview with the co-op's admissions committee is the final step before a buyer . applicant will make a good neighbor and not be anyone disruptive, he says. http://cooperator.com/articles/229/1/Getting-Approved/Page1.html
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Avoiding Co-op Condo Conflict | Co-op Apartment | Habitat 900 co-op / condo owners demand: STOP MAKING US CLASS . http://www.habitatmag.com/Publication-Content/2011-September/Featured-Articles/Avoiding-Co-op-Condo-Apartment-Conflict
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Realife Cooperative | Senior Cooperative Living For over 30 years, Realife and staff have been creating cooperative housing . When we moved in, we were greeted by our new friendly neighbors who also . http://realifeinc.com/ New York Co-Ops: Directory of NYC Co-Op Buildings -- NY Bits . New York co-ops. The buildings are arranged by neighborhood. http://www.nybits.com/coops.html
Chicken Coop Ideas and Pictures - Make It Your Own ... See what others are creating using The Garden Coop and The Garden Ark plans. . This Garden Ark in Atlanta's West End neighborhood is a good example of . http://www.thegardencoop.com/build-your-own-chicken-coop.html
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Ag Urban bios . Building coalitions for farm-friendly communities and neighbor-friendly farms . the Cooperative Development Institute organized in 1994 to build cooperative . http://www.northeastipm.org/conference/AgUrbspeakerBiosPM.htm
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Austin Co-op Directory - List of Cooperatives in Austin, TX A cooperative (also co-operative or co-op) is a group of persons who join together . Central Austin Cohousing is dedicated to creating an intentional neighborhood in . association of friendly, like-minded people who value cooperative ideals. http://www.austincooperatives.coop/
Limited Equity Housing Co-op - PolicyLink By creating a coordinated approach to neighborhood planning, LEHCs can . co -op lessors and this can create a significant barrier to good co-op development. http://www.policylink.org/site/c.lkIXLbMNJrE/b.6644975/k.A9C6/Limited_Equity_Housing_Coop/apps/nl/newsletter2.asp
prphotos.com - BrickUnderground Apr 25, 2012 . To pass your co-op board interview, read this first. by Lucy . Q. How do I make sure to stay on my neighbors' good sides when I'm renovating? http://www.brickunderground.com/blog/2012/03/prphotos.com
Good Questions: How Do You Quiet Your Neighbor??? | Apartment ... Oct 18, 2004 . My last landlord was very cooperative; I think the kind of tenant who . I live in a very large apartment complex and my neighbors have two . http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/-1241
GIVEAWAY: Manna Pro® Coop 'n Compost [Winner Announced ... Mar 8, 2012 . Ammonia can build-up without you even knowing it and even if you don't . Try Coop 'N Compost for healthy birds, happy neighbors and lush gardens! . the happier your birds the better your eggs:) Also a good shovel helps! http://urbanhomestead.org/journal/2012/03/08/giveaway-manna-pro-coop-n-compost/
Easy Chicken House Plans | eHow.com . life, consider keeping chickens. With a little planning and some research, you can build a chicken habitat that may soon result in fresh organic eggs for you and your neighbors. . Choose a good spot for the chicken coop. It should have good . http://www.ehow.com/way_5864455_easy-chicken-house-plans.html
MIT group tries to build a better chicken coop for Cambridge ... May 13, 2010 . MIT group tries to build a better chicken coop for Cambridge . The idea for the neighborhood-friendly coop structure for small egg production . http://www.wickedlocal.com/cambridge/features/x1560855783/MIT-group-builds-coop-for-chickens-in-Cambridge
How to Organize and Maintain a Neighborhood Association Does It Mean To Be A Good Neighbor________________. Being a good . Being a good neighbor helps make your neighborhood a better place to live. Neighborhoods with . Cooperative efforts with adjoining neighborhoods. Lawn signs . http://www.iowaeconomicdevelopment.com/community/neighborhood/downloads/Tallahassee-Neighborhood-ServicesManual.pdf
Raising Chickens for Beginners Part 1 There a few things you should know first to make getting chickens a good experience. . of your family or neighbors, so make sure you have a good spot for this job. . When choosing or building the right chicken coop, make sure that you have . http://nell79.hubpages.com/hub/Raising-Chickens-for-Beginners
How to Start a Food Co-op - Cooperative Grocers' Information Network All co-op members have equal voting and decision-making power in the . Members shared information on where to get good values for services such as . operations at 16th and P Streets and quickly expanded into neighboring space. As the . http://www.cgin.coop/files/manual.pdf
Park Slope Parents - PSP Blog Apr 19, 2012 . The stereotype that neighborhood teenagers or college students are doing . or “ Palestinian-Friendly” so Co-Op members are able to make an . http://www.parkslopeparents.com/
CO-OP TENANT RIGHTS - Real Estate Q&A Blog - NYTimes.com Unfriendly Pet in Pet-Friendly Co-op . We live in a “pet-friendly” building. . not having upstairs neighbors — by preventing the co-op from building above me? http://realestateqa.blogs.nytimes.com/category/co-op-tenant-rights/
Eugene Friendly Neighborhood Farmers - A place for urban farmers ... Amazon Bee Co-op . Mistee St. Clair is now a member of Eugene Friendly Neighborhood Farmers. 8 hours ago . All proceeds support the Gardens Program and FFLC's efforts to grow nutritious food while educating and building community. http://eugenefriendlyfarmers.ning.com/
East Bay Cohousing - Berkeley/Oakland/Emeryville/SF (Berkeley ... You can have both privacy and community when you know your neighbors on purpose, . more open, user-friendly and collaborative technologies, economies, and governments. . Make 2012 the year to deepen YOUR community connections. . Visit beautiful Monan's Rill and Santa Rosa coop and cohousing communities . http://www.ebcoho.org/
West Philly's Mariposa Food Co-op Focuses on Outreach Along ... Nov 30, 2011 . Strolling down Baltimore Avenue, the tiny Mariposa Food Co-op might be easy . of the co-op and creating a community survey to shape the new location. . “We want to be responsible and friendly, a neighborhood institution. http://www.philadelphiaweekly.com/news-and-opinion/134698128.html
Food Co-ops/Stores Listings at Greenlisted.org Takoma Park Silver Spring Food Co-op is a full service vegetarian-friendly grocery . building on the town square in Carbondale, llinois, Neighborhood Co- op . http://www.greenlisted.org/coops-stores.htm
Raising Chickens 2.0: No More Coop and Run! And this might be a good time to point out that when I see "100% vegetarian diet! . Easier and cheaper to build than any of the non-portable coops I've seen. . I told the neighbors that I'll just build some super fence to keep the coyotes out . http://www.richsoil.com/raising-chickens.jsp
About | Friendly House A dental hygienist split her time between Friendly House and the Neighborly house . two-story, ten room building with heat, natural sunlight, spacious areas and a . became a cooperative project in Worcester and included Friendly House in . http://www.friendlyhousema.org/about/
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wyoming County The Cornell Cooperative Extension educational system enables people to . True Named Wyoming County's 2012 Pride of Agriculture Good Neighbor . He's a " peace maker" and has a way of making others feel better about themselves. http://counties.cce.cornell.edu/wyoming/
Neighborhood Chicken Coops? A Prince George's County Group ... Apr 4, 2011 . Neighborhood Chicken Coops? A Prince George's County Group Says That Could Be a Good Thing. A community group is urging the Prince . http://coronado.patch.com/articles/neighborhood-chicken-coops-a-prince-georges-county-group-says-that-could-be-a-good-thing
The Great Co-op Secret - CoopandCondo.com Apr 14, 2011 . It's the co-op's obligation to make sure that your right of quiet enjoyment is not diminished by a selfish neighbor. . "bad precedent" which could impact other residents in the building, most boards will try in good faith to resolve . http://www.coopandcondo.com/component/flexicontent/items/item/51-the-great-co-op-secret
2012 Neighborhood Small Grant Recipients | SE Uplift ... The Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association plans to create a . people together; promote good health and create a friendly, cooperative community. http://www.southeastuplift.org/content/2012-neighborhood-small-grant-recipients
Scranberry Coop 47 minutes ago . Here at Scranberry Coop we're all about making it easy for you to enjoy your . At our flea markets a good variety of more gourmet prepacked foods are . We're all about enjoying our awesome neighbors, meeting our terrific . http://scranberrycoop.blogspot.com/
Chicken Coop Building Plans - How To Choose One Aug 24, 2011 . Some help on choosing the right chicken coop building plans for you . rules set forth in order to have a good relationship with your neighbor. http://ezinearticles.com/?Chicken-Coop-Building-Plans---How-To-Choose-One&id=6517366
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Co-op letter writing help - NYC Co-op Apartment | Ask MetaFilter I need to write a friend a recommendation letter for a co-op where he is trying . how trustworthy, etc. give examples, or make them up. your buddy needs to be . We like to know that someone is a good neighbor, quiet, clean, . http://ask.metafilter.com/81142/Coop-letter-writing-help
Sustainable Communities: Eco Villages, Intentional Communities ... Sustainable Eco Villages - Find Others to Create Community . members of Milagro are committed to providing a people and earth-friendly neighborhood. . cooperative neighborhood, modeled after the Co housing communities of Denmark. http://www.ecobusinesslinks.com/sustainable_communities.htm
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