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SkyBluePink - Products: Glass Things This technique is sometimes known as Faux Soldering, Glass Soldering, or Tinning, and can be used with Memory Glass Slides and Memory Foil Tape. http://www.skybluepink.com/glass.html Condition:5 | Perfect | 4 | Almost Perfect | 3 | Reasonable but with some damage | 2 | Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site | 1 | Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks | 0 | Art Soldered Glass www.backyardcards-gifts.com - YouTube Apr 10, 2008. Order that teaches the basics of soldering and how to make microscope slide jewelry. . it's a promotion to get you to buy the full video....duh!? . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-O9XRV3Euo | -1 | Completely destroyed | 3
Ambience:5 | Superb | 4 | Good | 3 | Ordinary | 2 | Not Good | 1 | Awful | 0 | Soldered Collage Charm/Pendant using Glass Slides | Crafted By Us Jan 25, 2008 . This is the podcast I get asked to make more than any other. . sheet of glass to cover workspace; fan; safety glass; lead-free solder; liquid flux . http://craftedby.us/video/solderedcollagecharmpendantusingglassslides | 3
Access:5 | Can be driven to, probably with disabled access | 4 | Short walk on a footpath | 3 | Requiring a bit more of a walk | 2 | A long walk | 1 | In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find | 0 | How to Solder Glass for Jewelry Making Also, it isn't as even as I'd like it to be in some areas, but with practice, I'm sure I'll get better. You can use this technique also to soldering glass slides together . http://jewelrymaking.about.com/od/glassjewelrymaking/a/052004.htm | 5
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My stuff, my life: Microscope Slide Ornaments - tutorial Nov 26, 2010 . These are glass microscope slide Christmas ornaments using . You will get less contamination of your solder, and it will flow better with a . http://onyxnox.blogspot.com/2010/11/microscope-slide-ornaments-tutorial.html Microscope Slides & Slide Covers | Soldering Tools & Supplies ... Focus on value and buy your microscope slides and slide covers at volume discounts from Rings & Things. These glass slides are perfect for soldering custom . https://shop.rings-things.com/shop.rings-things.com/cart/pc/Microscope-Slides-Slide-Covers-c3520.htm
How to Make Microscope Slide Jewelry | eHow.com Microscope slide jewelry mixes paper crafts with jewelry to create tiny works of wearable art, usually pendants or pins. . Spark help you get things done. . However, it's also possible to make microscope slide jewelry without a soldering iron. http://www.ehow.com/how_5631912_make-microscope-slide-jewelry.html Microscope Slides, Memory Glass & Frames - Articus Studio Apr 19, 2012 . Microscope Slides, Memory Glass & Frames, Soldering Glass . 1- 1/2" Size~ You get 24 pieces of quality microscope slide glass with rounded . http://www.articusstudiodesign.com/microscope_slide_memory_glass_frames_soldering_ranger_products_supplies.html graceful designs: Soldering: A Tutorial Dec 29, 2007 . I have received many questions regarding soldering, and the ins and out of it. I thought it would . For this tutorial, I am using slides that I will cut to desired size. Take your glass and determine where you want to cut it. If you want, you can . Posted by: buy generic levitra online | April 21, 2010 at 09:12 AM . http://gracefuldesigns.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/12/soldering-a-tut.html
How to Create Microscope Slide Pendant Jewelry This lens explains what actually goes into creating microscope slide pendant jewelry! . Wipe the soldering iron on the damp sponge every now and then to get . http://www.squidoo.com/intocreating
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Proper Soldering Iron cleaning & maintenance Jan 12, 2007 . Why did my soldering iro tip get a great big chunk eaten out of it after one board. . I used it to make a bunch of microscope slide pendants, with . http://www.instructables.com/id/Proper-Soldering-Iron-cleaning-%26-maintenance/
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Flickr: Discussing Question for those who solder glass bubbles in ... May 17, 2009 . I made my first attempt last night at soldering glass bubble charms . When I do microscope slides I usually just use a wooden clothespin to . they are still quite difficult to handle and I would like to get an advice from a pro too. http://www.flickr.com/groups/518839@N24/discuss/72157618241522031/
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Glass slide memory jewelry Capture a memory or a moment in these glass slide memory necklaces, ornaments . 1 Precious Presents Solder Pendant Kit, your own Paste Flux, solder and . http://www.thepreciouspresents.com/GlassSlideMemoryJewelry.html
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CosplaySupplies.com -- Tutorials > Faux Soldering with Apoxie Sculpt . with Apoxie Sculpt. Where to buy: . Create the look of a soldered pendant without the need for soldering! This technique is great if . Materials: Apoxie Sculpt, microscope slides, photos, fabric or artwork, jump ring, Gilder's paste. It starts with . http://www.cosplaysupplies.com/tutorials.php?id=Faux_Soldering_with_Apoxie_Sculpt
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Clever Karen: Soldered Picture Frame Charm Class - Munro Crafts Apr 20, 2009 . A few weeks ago I noticed that Munro Crafts had a soldering class and it was . We began by learning to cut the glass from the microscope slides into . (Yes, they are like drug dealers, enticing you to get hooked, so you will . http://cleverkaren.blogspot.com/2009/04/soldered-picture-frame-charm-class.html
Stained Glass Supplies - Stained Glass Garden - A Modern Tradition ... Welcome to the Stained Glass Garden - Classes - Gifts - Home Improvement . 36 Microscope Glass Slides . Don't forget to purchase your solder separately. http://www.stainedglassgarden.com/shop/stainedglass_supplies.html
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VDI Notes on Diode Mount and Solder The VDI diode solder contact pads are Au thin films. . Adhere circuit or substrate (that will receive diode) to a glass slide; all surfaces should be clean and free . http://vadiodes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=110&Itemid=3
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Stained Glass Soldering Supplies, Glass Solder Glass soldering is an essential part of any stained glass project. Delphi carries a wide selection of soldering irons, glass flux and other supplies for the glass . http://www.delphiglass.com/stained-glass-supplies/soldering-supplies/
How to Use Telescope Slides to Create Picture Frames | eHow.com Solder glass slides together into an original picture frame. Glass picture . You can get these small, rectangular slides from science and art supply stores. Also . http://www.ehow.com/how_7915733_use-slides-create-picture-frames.html
How To - An AIP Video 2 Final Project - YouTube Jan 7, 2008 . This video describes how to make a microscope slide necklace. . tape on both sides of an end to hold it all together until? you get the copper foil around most of it . . Those were the best? instructions I have found on soldering. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNRWw5Fjpnk
Microscope Glass Slides 72 in box / 1x3 by floresflorestanis 1 x 3 clear glass microscope slides - 1 mm thick. 72 in box. Smooth . Microscope Glass Slides - 72 in box / 1x3 inches / Great for Pendant and Solder Art / 3x1 . http://www.etsy.com/listing/65017491/microscope-glass-slides-72-in-box-1x3
Jewelry Making Supplies: Glass Pieces for Soldering, Amate ... Domino size and glass piece shapes for soldered jewelry, copper foil tape, bottle caps, flattened with and . UV lamp (like the kinds you get at nail . memory glass by inkssentials microscope slide glass for solder jewelry making soldering . http://www.theenchantedgallery.com/jewelry.html
How to Repair Leaded Glass - Old-House Online Mar 12, 2012 . You may get solder drips on the glass, but they should easily slide or scrape off or with light scraping. Check the joint—if you're unhappy with . http://www.oldhouseonline.com/how-to-repair-leaded-glass/
Mini Crazy Quilt Slide Pendant: Pat Winter 2 clear 3”x1” glass microscope slides bits of fabrics and . Flux (liquid to adhere solder to metal) . You do not want bulk between the slides to prevent breakage. http://cqmagonline.com/vol03iss01/articles/art239/art239.shtml
Solder Powder Particle Size Distribution - Optical Image Analyzer ... 5.1.1 Stencil some solder cream onto a glass slide using a. 5 or 6 mm diameter, . under the cover glass. It is important to get a good dispersion without a lot of . http://www.ipc.org/4.0_Knowledge/4.1_Standards/test/
Beadphoria™ Here in Chicago, we get to plan our gardens early every year with the annual . Gel Flux & Brush; 2 Microscope Slides; Lead Free Solder; Sterling Silver Jump . http://beadphoria.wordpress.com/
Repairing Copper Foil tutorial - Free Patterns for Stained Glass Dec 19, 2011 . Before I get into broken glass, I want to show you that there are other . While the solder is hot, slide an aluminum strip between the broken . http://www.freepatternsforstainedglass.com/repairing-copper-foil.html
Solder Jewelry - How To Information | eHow.co.uk How to Send Your Jewelry Designs to Get Them Made. Jewelry serves a . The solder is placed on the glass slide with a technique called… Soldering Tips & . http://www.ehow.co.uk/solder-jewelry/
Microscope Slides I wanted to drill a clean hole into microscope slides and glass blobs used for holding . I have a hard time finding solder suitable (lead free) for making jewelry and . There was scant information available, so here is what I did to get success on . http://netnet.net/~cloud9/tips/tips_microscope_slides.html
Amazon.com: Ranger Memory Glass Microscope Slide Glass For ... Amazon.com: Ranger Memory Glass Microscope Slide Glass For Crafts, 1-Inch . Unlimited Free Two-Day Shipping; No Minimum Purchase for free or discounted . "Simply Swank" 1/4 Inch Copper Foil Tape For Solder Craft Jewelry - 15 Feet . http://www.amazon.com/Ranger-Memory-Microscope-Crafts-1-Inch/dp/B00161N27K
How to Make Soldered and Non-soldered Glass Pendants - The ... Nov 23, 2009 . She includes pictures of a soldering set up, her pickle pot and how . She starts off with microscope slides which saves you from having to . Or you could purchase precut glass pieces with smoothed or fire-polished edges . http://www.beadinggem.com/2009/11/how-to-make-soldered-and-non-soldered.html
How to Solder a Charm - wikiHow Feb 15, 2009 . Soldering iron; Solder; Flux or flux-core solder; Microscope slides . To get started writing one of these articles, click on the red link of a title . http://www.wikihow.com/Solder-a-Charm
Solder-Framed Glass Picture Necklace Dec 29, 2009 . 1) Solder iron that HAS NEVER BEEN USED WITH LEAD SOLDER. 2) Lead free plumbing solder 3) Copper foil tape. Get it at crafty places that sell stained glass stuff, it's for stained glass. 4) lead FREE . 7) Microscope slides. http://www.instructables.com/id/Solder-Framed-Glass-Picture-Necklace/
The Effects of Partially Activated No-Clean Flux Residues under ... With the predominance of no-clean soldering processes and ever decreasing . Glass slides were chosen because glass allows for easy inspection of the flux . possible to get readings less than 1.00E+6 because of a 1M? current limiting . http://www.ipcoutlook.org/pdf/effect_partially_activated_flux_ipc.pdf
Microscope Glass Pendants | Creation | Cut Out + Keep Microscope Glass Pendants: reese52's craft creation for inspiration, or make . the first time I've tried soldering and took some practice to get the results I wanted. . Combining science and jewelry.. two of my fav things!! yay! microscope slides! http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/microscope_glass_pendants
Domestic Anarchy: Soldering Jewelry -Take Chances Necklace I used some medical grade glass slides ( thanks Diane!) and an image from the GF for this and then sealed it by soldering it closed. I make quite a bit . Be good, eat your vegtables, wear sunscreen, and get a mammogram if you are over 40. http://www.domesticanarchy.com/2012/02/soldering-jewelry-take-chances-necklace.html
How to solder jewelry with Simply Swank tools « Rings and Things Jun 27, 2011 . There are two completely different soldering methods used in . Microscope slide glass is an affordable way to indulge your pendant-making habit. . Would love to see what you create when you get your Swank supplies :) . http://www.rings-things.com/blog/2011/06/27/how-to-solder-jewelry-with-simply-swank-tools/
Nona Designs Memory Glass Page Ranger Memory Glass is precision cut, crystal clear microscope slide glass, with smoothly buffed edges and . or finished with melted UTEE (faux solder), Memory Foil Tape, Memory Frames, solder, glues and stickers. . Check Items to Buy . http://www.nonadesigns.com/memoryglass.htm
Emerald | The investigation of the capillary flow of underfill materials Feeler gages were placed along two sides of the specimen in order to get . 1 in. glass slide and the bottom side was an FR-4 board coated with a solder mask. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=878444&show=html
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Memory Capsules *Frames should be opened slightly and carefully to slide the Memory Glass . Memory glass edges can be left natural or finished with melted UTEE (faux solder ), . http://www.stampington.com/html/memory_rangers.html
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Wade Stone & Glass Works -Classes Lab Slide Pendants . make very cool pendants using microscope slides, vintage ephemera, photos and solder. You will learn how to use a solder iron properly. . This cuff goes together quickly once you get going and is easier than it looks! http://www.wadestoneandglassworks.com/Classes-I.html
Live Studio- Stained Glass with Painting from Glass, Stone, Clay ... Live Studio- Stained Glass with Painting by Dawn Lee Thompson | Art articles . also buy a pair of breaker/grozier pliers, grinder, lead knife and soldering iron. . Slide a piece of "H" lead along one edge then cut it with your nippers or knife, . http://www.ebsqart.com/Education/Articles/Glass-Stone-Clay/13/Live-Studio-Stained-Glass-II/62/
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