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Daily Kos: WAYWO: Civil War Era Dress Accessories, Pt 2 Feb 26, 2012 . Today I will update you on my latest project, a Civil War Era Day Dress. I am making it for a dinner I am attending in Springfield, IL for the Illinois . Condition:5 | Perfect | 4 | Almost Perfect | 3 | Reasonable but with some damage | 2 | Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site | 1 | Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks | 0 | Daily Kos: WAYWO: Civil War Era Day Dress Feb 19, 2012 . Then I discovered the Teacher's Conference I was attending in March in Springfield, IL was having a Civil War era "dress-up" dinner and . | -1 | Completely destroyed | 3
Ambience:5 | Superb | 4 | Good | 3 | Ordinary | 2 | Not Good | 1 | Awful | 0 | Links To Civil War Flags, Navies, and Uniforms/Dress Civil War Links Flags of the Civil War, Naval and Maritime Information, and Uniforms and Dress. Flags of the Civil War. Alabama Civil War Period Flag Collection . | 3
Access:5 | Can be driven to, probably with disabled access | 4 | Short walk on a footpath | 3 | Requiring a bit more of a walk | 2 | A long walk | 1 | In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find | 0 | SOLDIER'S LIFE To be an effective soldier in the Civil War, a man needed to know much more than how . they also learned the necessity of maintaining their clothes, shoes and weapon. . While their fellow Scotsmen in the 12th Illinois wore tam-o'- shanters. | 5
Accuracy:5 | co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates | 4 | co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map | 3 | co-ordinates scaled from a bad map | 2 | co-ordinates of the nearest village | 1 | co-ordinates of the nearest town | 0 | no data | 5
Internal Links:      External Links:             illinois dresses of the civil war submitted by papa john's pizza 32223
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Civil War Reenactment | chicago oswego minooka illinois | civil war ... The Civil War Reenactment at Heaps Giant Pumpkin Farm in Illinois Chicago area is a BANG, literally! The annual two-day event includes cannon blasts, guns, . Civil War Costumes, 19th Century and Victorian clothing and ... Civil War Costumes and Clothing Including Antebellum, 19th Century, Early and . Chicago, Illinois, *Boston Harbor Islands State Park, *Ohio Historical Society, .
Abraham's Lady - Civil War era clothing & accessories Ready to Wear - Civil War Era Clothing, Clothing. Ready to Wear - Civil War Era . or any undesirable effects resulting from the purchase and wear of an ill fitting . Kaufmann's Emporium Richard A. Barrett (Proprietor) Rick began his participation in Civil War . an MS in Finance and a BFA in Arts Administration from DePaul University, Chicago, IL. . Civil War, Victorian, and Edwardian costumes and clothes for private clients. Event List Feb 21, 2012 . While Civil War period dress is encouraged, appropriate modern dress is . Sponsored by Battery G, 2nd Illinois Light Artillery $10 Donation per .
Union Civil War Uniform - Spurlock Museum - University of Illinois at ... This type of dress coat would likely have been worn for portraits and formal occasions. Learn More: Union Civil War Uniform, 26th Illinois Volunteers .
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In Civil War, Woman Fought For Freedom Like A Man : NPR May 24, 2009 . In Civil War, Woman Fought Like A Man For Freedom . Albert D.J. Cashier was the shortest soldier in the 95th Illinois Infantry. . "Or, if she goes back and puts on a dress and tells everyone that she's Jennie, she has just lost .
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sutlers Mar 31, 2012 . Uniforms & Clothing for the Family . Civil War Tents & Blankets. Boots . Illinois. Illinois. Illinois. Indiana. Indiana. Indiana. Indiana. Iowa. Iowa .
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Civil War Songs and Stories at The Timbers - Shorewood, IL Patch Mar 16, 2012 . She will dress in Civil War gowns and describe the era. Devereaux is a voice performance graduate of Chicago's DePaul University. She has .
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Sutler's Web Pages A, 137th Illinois Infantry, described a sutler's inventory: "Effete cigars, bunch of grass filling . Civil War period men's, women's, children's clothing & accessories .
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2012 Civil War battle reenactments in the Upper Midwest At historic sites in Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota, battle . July 7-8, Civil War Days in Wauconda, Ill. The events at the Lake County Discovery . and a meal served to everyone in period dress (bring your own period cutlery).
Vintage Us Civil War Militaria on Ruby Lane Items 1 - 30 of 234 . Civil War Sterling FOB ~ Confederate States of America ~ Signed. $59 USDCivil . Interesting image,clear with fancy dress, bonnet and chair. . SALE Souvenir Envelope for 1932 GAR Civil War Encampment, Springfield, IL .,c=Vintage_Us_Civil_War_Militaria,id=50.7.html
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Academic regalia in the United States - Wikipedia, the free ... It has been most influenced by the academic dress traditions of Europe. . After the Civil War, academic dress was generally only worn at ceremonies or when . University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois Blue with two Illinois Orange .
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What did Pauline Cushman do after the Civil war? | Answers ... Get the answer to "What did Pauline Cushman do after the Civil war? . News Sun - Waukegan (IL) ...make a Civil War-era dress for...attending the Civil War ball .
Civil War Reenactments, Battles and History Events Held at the Historical Masonic Temple in Coldwater,MI at 7-10 p.m. Guests must be 13 or over and dressed in Civil War Attire. Music by Glen Morningstar,Jr.
The Madness of Mary Lincoln - Cleveland Civil War Roundtable Mary Todd Lincoln in mourning dress following the death of her son Willie in . American History, and Civil War Times magazines, the Journal of the Illinois .
Attractions Galena IL Illinois National Parks, Museums, Zoos ... Local attractions in Galena IL Illinois, National Parks, Zoos, Beaches, . of us, dress up and be photgraphed in Victorian, and Civil War costumes at... more... map .
Springfield International Folk Dancers » Costumes – Civil War Era ... SIFD is partially funded by grants from the Illinois Arts Council and the Springfield Area Arts Council. . Costumes – Civil War Era Daywear. day wear .
Programs by The Tea Ladies Inc. the most fascinating voyage of an era. Guests participate in this program. Edwardian dress is encouraged. Hoop Skirts and Teacups ~Civil War Women in Illinois .
FEMALE CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS & SPIES: story, pictures and ... Jan 24, 2012 . Like most historic battles, the U.S. Civil War had its spies--men and . Illinois. SOURCE: Created by bgill 09 May . Pigott collected mail along with food, clothing, medicine, and other .
Welcome to Victorian Dance Ensemble, Civil War Dance We offer a wide range of Civil War and mid-Victorian related presentations, including fashion shows, clothing try-on, and displays of period . be inaugurated in 1861 and his body laid in state in 1865 on the journey home to Springfield, Illinois.
Civil War Days - Lake Villa Historical Society 150th Anniversary American Civil War . Lake Villa, Illinois. Saturday . Lehmann Mansion tours including Ainsley Wonderling's collection of 1860s clothing .
The Women Who Fought in the Civil War | History & Archaeology ... Apr 8, 2011 . Maybe they even would have worn boys' clothing to do farm chores. . She enlisted in Illinois and she fought the entire Civil War without being .
The Women Who Fought in the Civil War | History & Archaeology ... Apr 8, 2011 . Maybe they even would have worn boys' clothing to do farm chores. . She enlisted in Illinois and she fought the entire Civil War without being .
Photos! - by Joy Melcher Glenda Jardel often selects her dress fabric and fashions through Civil War Lady . of a fun weekend of fellowship at the recent History event in Chicago Illinois.
Civil War William H Steel, 34th Illinois Infantry, Company F. · Comment · Repin Like. Civil War Era CDV Original - Standing Woman In Linen Dress .
Originals by Kay Events and Workshops Civil War Era Gentlemen . Shawls and Outerwear -- Dresses and Accessories -- Parasols Antique Lace . Parasol Recovering, June 16, 2012, Hampshire, IL .
Lesson Plan: The Civil War Homefront Nov 19, 2010 . Discuss the human cost on both sides of the Civil War . book describing the trials and tribulations of an Illinois family torn apart by the Civil War. . home front songs “The Homespun Dress” and “The Southern Soldier Boy.
Shawnee National Forest - News & Events Mar 12, 2012 . Harrisburg, IL 62946 . the unique and important role of southern Illinois history prior to and during the Civil War,” said Elizabeth . School, in Carbondale, and a few of her 5th and 6th students dressed in Civil War era clothing.
Lewis and Clark Events in the Middle Mississippi River Valley The French & Indian War, the American Revolution, and the Fur Trapping era are time periods that these other events portray. . Prairie du Rocher, IL, Saturday, May 5, 2012 . See demonstrators in period clothing, a black powder shoot, a " hawk" throw, . Civil War re-enactment, carriage rides, fiddle contest, mountain- man .
Mississippi Thespians The Mississippi Thespians, billing themselves as the youngest Civil War . who study the Civil War and donning period dress, portray a character (historical or . War Military Ball, which is held the second Saturday in February in Quincy, IL, .
10th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry The American Civil War is one of the most fascinating and defining moments in our . soldier of the 1860's wore in regards to uniform, clothing, and equipment.
30th Indiana January. January 27th thru 28th - Midwest Civil War Conference - Springfield IL. . March 24th - Annual Military and Citizens Dress Ball, 7:00 PM. The 30th .
ILLINOIS COLLEGE: ONE OF ILLINOIS' MOST HAUNTED SCHOOLS? Illinois College was founded in 1829 by Reverend John M. Ellis, . In the years following the Civil War graduates contributed with distinction to the . He was all dressed in gray and she quickly realized that he was not a security officer. As she .
Entrenched in Secrecy on the Battlefields of the Civil War IL Regiment August 3, 1862 at age nineteen and mustered out with them . These yarns ran the gamut of her mother dressing her up as a boy, . Before the Civil War, she did odd jobs as a laborer, farmhand and shepherd, and found male .
Savanna Historical Society - Carroll County Illinois 406 Main St. Savanna Illinois. See Gene Wrights "Gallery of Civil War Soldiers" of over 100 full sized mannequins dressed in authentic Civil War uniforms.
Henry Ketzle Civil War Diary This history of Company A 37th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, was written by our father, . The data is from his diary kept by him throughout the Civil War Years, and . Comp. and squad drill " 10:00 " Dinner " 12:00 Drill " 2:00 p.m. Dress parade .
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Men's and Boys' Suits, Coats, and Overcoats market report ... Illinois was the number one state in terms of revenue, with $568.9 million, followed . Most clothing in the United States was made in homes before the Civil War, .
Center for History - Calendar for Programs & Events Thursday, April 12th, Andersonville & the Civil War . Friday, May 11th, Wheaton Civil War Fair . Guests will be served by ladies and gents dressed in vintage clothing from the . Center for History, 315 W. Front St., 2nd Floor, Wheaton, IL.
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