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Amazing waving bear goes viral | The Sun |News Dec 13, 2011 . ROLY polar-y bears chill out on the ice, waving their paws as they lie on . The encounter was shot at Olympic Game Farm last year, but the . Condition:5 | Perfect | 4 | Almost Perfect | 3 | Reasonable but with some damage | 2 | Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site | 1 | Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks | 0 | KSQM FM CO-OP Farm and Garden Center sponsor of “ KSQM's Garden . Country Paws Resort and Country Grooming, Sequim www. . Olympic Game Farm, Sequim . | -1 | Completely destroyed | 3
Ambience:5 | Superb | 4 | Good | 3 | Ordinary | 2 | Not Good | 1 | Awful | 0 | Donate Now - KSQM FM Country Paws Resort Cozy Care Pet Boarding . Gentle Paws Therapy Dog Group Gilbert, Robert & Annie . Olympic Game Farm Olympic Peninsula Fly Fishing . | 3
Access:5 | Can be driven to, probably with disabled access | 4 | Short walk on a footpath | 3 | Requiring a bit more of a walk | 2 | A long walk | 1 | In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find | 0 | Viral - Famous Jan 4, 2012 . The bear then raises his paw and remarkably waves back to the girl. . The footage is said to be from the Olympic Game Farm, which is an . | 5
Accuracy:5 | co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates | 4 | co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map | 3 | co-ordinates scaled from a bad map | 2 | co-ordinates of the nearest village | 1 | co-ordinates of the nearest town | 0 | no data | 5
Internal Links:      External Links:             paws olympic game farm submitted by klemtner advertising inc saatchi
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News Releases : About NOLS : North Olympic Library System (NOLS) Paws to Read at the Port Angeles Main Library . Bob Beebe of Olympic Game Farm will be in attendance, sharing memories of the Sequim local residents and . Bear waves at little girl at wildlife reserve - Odd News | Dec 14, 2011 . Well, it appears he'd been paying attention, because as the girl waves goodbye he picks up a paw and waves right back. Olympic Game Farm .
Radio station proves to be pet-friendly :: Sequim Gazette Sep 14, 2011 . Weekend sponsors included Olympic Game Farm, Best Friend Nutrition, . Country Paws Resort & Country Grooming, Goin' to the Dogs, Sassy . Exotic Animals in Private Hands in Washington Olympic Game Farm: At this facility, visitors drive through areas containing a . bears could only sit next to it and dangle their paws in the water. (See Fig. 1) . PawsAbilities, an annual event by Susquehanna Service Dogs PawsAbilities 2013 will be on March 9-10, 2013 at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, PA! PawsAbilities was a . Dog participates in olympic games .
Waving bear video goes viral Dec 17, 2011 . The bear, one of many residents at the Olympic Game Farm in . a guy in a bear costume, frantically waving his giant paw at curious onlookers.
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Bear waves hello! Animal's greeting caught in viral video - New York ... Dec 13, 2011 . The Olympic Game Farm in Sequim, Wash., is home to. . He does – eagerly shaking his paw right back at her, and it's not the first time the .
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Video star: The name is Twinkles and she doesn't always wave ... Dec 18, 2011 . Christmas weekend on the North Olympic Peninsula -- 12/22/11 -05:47 PM . grizzly bear wave its paw at you in the dead of winter is next to impossible. . But when one of Olympic Game Farm's grizzlies — many of which are .
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Sequim Washington Community Web and Portal local links Mar 22, 2012 . Olympic Bus Lines: Daily Bus Service - The Seattle/SeaTac shuttle . La Paw Spa - A Water Therapy and Training Program for You and Your Canine Friends. . Olympic Game Farm - A family run business, OLYMPIC GAME .
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About the Sequim area near our pet-friendly lodging and cabins Sequim is at the center of the North Olympic Peninsula, just minutes from the . Olympic Game Farm . La Paw Spa (get your dog a massage or swim session) . Lori Letts | Facebook . World Wildlife Fund, National Wildlife Federation, People For Puget Sound, Lend A Paw, Olympic Game Farm, Living Free Animal Sanctuary, Key Peninsula, .
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PAwsAbilities lets man's best friend off the leash | Mar 8, 2012 . Each activity in the Dog Olympic Games costs $1 to enter, or the . WHEN: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday WHERE: Farm Show Complex, .
jennifer Mar 30, 2012 . It was beautiful weather, we had great seats, and the game was . Once we got back to Port Angeles to headed to the Olympic Game Farm in Sequim. . One of the bears would shake it's paw when it wanted more bread, .
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African Lion and Lioness - YouTube Mar 8, 2008 . This African Lion and Lioness are held in adjoining cages at the Olympic Game Farm. It really saddened us to watch them try to play and paw at .
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Habilitation Assistance Corporation · Members The Pampered Paws members are stepping up their efforts as the May 2010 Special . Music, refreshments and games will be the agenda for the day. . The Upper Cape Access Center hosted a benefit for the Special Olympics at Liam . at NOAA, Waquoit Bay Estuaries, Coonamessett Farm, Flower Power, Meals on .
Volunteers - PawsAbilities, an annual event by Susquehanna ... Please be aware that Farm Show parking costs $8 per day. Volunteers . Registration: Assist guests with registration for Dog Olympic Games. (Must be over 18 .
Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) - Olympic Wildlife ... Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) - Olympic Wildlife Center Animal Shelter Directory, Progressive Animal . Birds, Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Ferret, Farm Animals, Other . It is a resistant hunter, able to pursue the game for long distances.
Become Famous - Famous Feb 15, 2012 . The bear then raises his paw and remarkably waves back to the girl. . The footage is said to be from the Olympic Game Farm, which is an .
Hati paws - The RuneScape Wiki - Skills, quests, guides, items ... The Hati paws, along with the Hati head and (in 2012) Hati Cloak, can be . As explained in the Game Update FAQ for 16 January 2012, when the first Hati event .
Animals - Search result | - Everett and Snohomish ... Here comes Santa Paws, all for a good cause . Monroe's Reptile Zoo is seeking zoning status as a farm . Ricky the Rhino dies at Olympic Game Farm .
List of zoos in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Arkansas Alligator Farm and Petting Zoo, Hot Springs; Crossland Zoo, Crossett · Little Rock Zoo, Little Rock · Riddle's Elephant and Wildlife Sanctuary, .
Saturday Night Special: Rest Stop « 10 ... Oct 23, 2010 . this is defintely the olympic game farm in sequim, washing. i went there many times when i . They wave, snarl, pray with their paws together.
Display All Games - Fun Safe Free Online Games for Kids of All ... 21 Current Popular Games at WebPaws Played 827 Times Since May 01, 2012. Mario Bros . Collect the farmers wigs before the time . Dolphin Olympics 2 .
Harrisburg PA - March - PawsAbilities (PA Farm Show Complex ... DESCRIPTION: A Weekend of PawsAbilities: Oh, The Things a Dog Could Do! Celebrating dogs and their amazing ability to brighten lives. Dog Olympic Games .
PIANO LADY NANCY.COM GAMES Here are some fun games for all ages. Please check . new games are added regularly. Enjoy! . Hit The Dot Game · Hurdles . Paw Paw Miaw . The Farmer . :: 'Waving Bear' Goes Viral Dec 16, 2011. excitedly with his powerful paw. The encounter was shot at Olympic Game Farm last year, but the video has gone viral on the internet today.
Look who's new at the Olympic Game Farm -- Port Angeles Port ... Mar 15, 2009 . THE OLYMPIC GAME Farm, 1423 Ward Road, off Woodcock Road north . Watching her fuss and wobble on uncertain paws, animal caregiver .
"What To Do When The Big Bear Comes, Lighter Side - Fly Angler's ... Jan 13, 2003 . I have seen them in the Olympic Game Farm. . enough to deliver a horrific blow with their front paw, snapping the horse's neck) you know, .
North by Northwest in the Corner of the Pacific Northwest Lies a ... My first stop is the Olympic Game Farm, a drive-through zoo where animals . From open pens, some sit on their haunches and waive with outstretched paws.
Bear Photos I Alaska Travel Photos . 126, 132, 138, 144, 150. photo of Polar Bear With Her Baby.
Susquehanna Service Dogs: Prizes Galore at PawsAbilities! Feb 20, 2012 . Try your hands and paws at Paw Draw! . There are lots of other things to do at PawsAbilities, including the Dog Olympic Games and the Kody Kup Walk! . PawsAbilities: Paw Draw · SSD Hale Takes on the Farm Show .
PAWS London Capital Basketball Club - Places To Go in London ... Essential Information · London 2012 Venues · Olympic Games · Paralympic Games . Going to PAWS London Capital Basketball Club using public transport ? . Attractions, Museum, Gallery, Zoo/Farm/Wildlife, Monument, Architecture, Theme .
Puzzling Paws - Big Fish Games Forums Post any Puzzling Paws technical issues here only, 7, 361 . Fairy Treasure, Fallen Shadows, Family Farm: Fresh Start, Family Feud: Battle of the Sexes . The Fall Trilogy Chapter 3: Revelation, The Fifth Gate, The First Olympic Tidy Up, The .
Local community rallies round to pay $8000 medical bill for badly ... Feb 15, 2012 . Animal charity PAWS raised awareness of the puppy's plight and Mr Zeilenga's . Benefit Cosmetics staff training video starring cross-dressing farmer . reveals armed- to-the-teeth team preparing for the Olympic Games .
Paw Prints Please review this edition of the Paw Prints for Kindergarten Registration information. AT LAST! . games, skits and a lot of hard work, the children will prepare and . Grade 3 Olympic Day, 9:00-11:00. Grade 4 . a “Down on the Farm” theme .
olympic games program « NativeNYker's Rants, Thoughts & Merde Mar 22, 2012 . Joe Manganiello: Duracell Olympics Games Program Launch . Joe Manganiello lends his hotness in support of Duracell's Olympic Games Program launch in NYC . central park, central park paws, central park zoo, cfda awards, cgi . mylene farmer, mysteries of pittsburgh, nacho duato, nadine crocker .
Paw Spa is developer's new pet project - Apr 10, 2012 . Game time, TV set for Nebraska-Iowa Heroes Game . Farmers markets are ready for customers . Paw Spa is developer's new pet project .
Tiger Paws | Video Library | Mansfield News Journal The crown jewel: For Lex grad, no award could top berth in Olympic Trials . Flores talks about how the new legislation to regulate exotic animals will affect her Tiger Paws Exotic Rescue Center in Ashland County. . Strawberry Hill Farm 3m7s | Apr. 30, 2012 . 2011 World Series Game 7 Analysis 2m41s | Oct. 29, 2011 .
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Bingo Details | Sony Movie Channel Bingo skateboards, plays video games, makes telephone calls, taps out . takes a pulse, reads doggie magazines, plays chess, is paw printed, springs off . DONNA, Alaskan brown bear from Olympic Game Farm, Sequin, Wash., 3 years old.
Large drug, weapons bust near Paw Paw - WWMT Apr 25, 2012 . Just make your picks for each game before the tournament starts to wingreat prizes! . New awning at Fulton Street Farmers Market .
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