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Drive is not accessible - "Incorrect function" - TechSpot Forums Jun 4, 2011 . Every time I put a blank CD in my CD drive, a message appears saying "E:\ is not accessible. Incorrect Function. I can watch DVDs but it won't . http://www.techspot.com/community/topics/drive-is-not-accessible-incorrect-function.166087/ Condition:5 | Perfect | 4 | Almost Perfect | 3 | Reasonable but with some damage | 2 | Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site | 1 | Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks | 0 | D Not Accesible; Incorrect Function Error, D:\ is not accessible. Incorrect Function. Once it's burned using a program I can open it no problem or with regular cds, bt not blank ones. http://www.computing.net/answers/windows-xp/d-not-accesible-incorrect-function/135534.html | -1 | Completely destroyed | 3
Ambience:5 | Superb | 4 | Good | 3 | Ordinary | 2 | Not Good | 1 | Awful | 0 | CD Drive not accessible, incorrect function - Configuration ... You have searched for "CD Drive not accessible, incorrect function" . . Open your Windows Control Panel and go into Administrative Tools > . http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/264715-45-drive-accessible-incorrect-function | 3
Access:5 | Can be driven to, probably with disabled access | 4 | Short walk on a footpath | 3 | Requiring a bit more of a walk | 2 | A long walk | 1 | In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find | 0 | Dvd-rw changes to cd-rw in my computer !?!??? - Tom's Hardware "drive not accessible / incorrect function". I tried going to properties . Illegal Function" when I tried to open a blank CD. I was able to burn a CD . http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/248670-32-computer | 5
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Cannot burn CDs or recognize blank ones - Other-Components - CPU ... Jul 28, 2007 . Whenever i try to access either a blank disc or write to one, i receive the following message E:\ is not accessible. Incorrect function. . You have searched for " Cannot burn CDs or recognize blank ones" . . XP does this a bit, what may be worth a try is if you open windows explorer then right click on the drive . http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/244074-28-cannot-burn-recognize-blank-ones " X:\ is not accessible; incorrect function " ?? - Club MyCE Jan 2, 2006 . CD and DVD Writers Discuss, " X:\ is not accessible; incorrect function " ?? at . yes.....u know u can open the dvd rom if theres a blank disk in . http://club.myce.com/f61/x-not-accessible-incorrect-function-161353/
Incorrect function - Microsoft Support Jan 8, 2008 . Explains why you may receive an “Incorrect function” error message when you try to access a CD drive or DVD drive after you upgrade to . http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315350 My computer thinks a data CD is blank - CDROM-Guide forums I took some blank CD-R's over to my friend's house to burn some of his video files (burn .avi movies as data CDs) using Nero . Incorrect function" whenever I tried to access the CD. . cannot open data cd's on cd-rom drive. http://www.cdrom-guide.com/forums/showthread.php?t=280565 D:\ is not accessible incorrect function - Web Hosting Talk Now when I insert a cd-r in and go to my D drive it says "D:\ is not accessible incorrect function", well for a blank cd it says that. . multiple times, just make sure you make a multi session cd, and leave the cd "open" at the end. http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=329017
Programmers Resource - Error: D:\ is not accessible. Incorrect ... "D:\ is not accessible. Incorrect function". I experience the same whenever I insert a blank dvd rw. However, if the dvd rw is not blank then I am . http://www.programmersresource.com/forum/showthread.php?p=13788
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incorrect function opening blank cd submitted by civics and culture maharlika
Problem with copying to CD - Windows XP Community - XPHeads The message reads: D:\ is not accessible; incorrect function. I have used a blank CD-R and a DVD+R and get the same message. I am able to listen to music . When I open My Pictures after inserting the CD sometimes the . http://www.xpheads.com/forums/microsoft-public-windowsxp-photos/106199-problem-copying-cd.html
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HP CD-Writer Series - HP Business Support Center HP CD-Writer Series - "Drive not accessible or incorrect function" Error Message while Using Microsoft Windows XP Native Burning Feature . The following error message is displayed after inserting a new blank CD, . Open My Computer . http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&taskId=110&prodSeriesId=410663&prodTypeId=12169&objectID=c01480008
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How to Insert a Blank CD | eHow.com Upon inserting a blank CD into a computer, the computer will read the blank CD and . to choose another application from your computer to open the blank CD with. . CD-RW Disk · How to Fix: Blank CD Not Accessible And Incorrect Function . http://www.ehow.com/how_7530343_insert-blank-cd.html
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Blank CDs - How To Information | eHow.com The data can be erased from the CD… How to Fix: Blank CD Not Accessible And Incorrect Function. When inserting a new, blank CD into the disc drive of your . http://www.ehow.com/blank-cds/ CTX129778 - Hotfix XDE400VDAWX64007 (Version 4.0.5055) - For ... Aug 17, 2011 . When a blank CD or DVD is placed in a client mapped CD or DVD drive, My . When double-clicking the drive, an "Incorrect function" error message appears. . Open the xml file created in the previous step and locate the . http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX129778
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CTX127424 - Citrix XenDesktop 5 - Issues Fixed in This Release ... Mar 10, 2012 . When a blank CD or DVD is placed in a client mapped CD or DVD drive, My . When double-clicking the drive, an "Incorrect function" error message appears. . Open the xml file created in the previous step and locate the . http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX127424
Windows - No Disc - additional issue to that in your database ... Apr 18, 2012 . DVD Disc, Open Sessions . Whenever I put a blank cd/dvd into it and click on the drive I get the following error: D:/ not accessible - Incorrect Function I replaced the drive with a burner I know works, but I am still gettin. http://www.experts-exchange.com/ITPro/IT_Administration/Q_27681640.html
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Error: D:\ is not accessible. Incorrect function - GIDForums "D:\ is not accessible. Incorrect function". I experience the same whenever I insert a blank dvd rw. However, if the dvd rw is not blank then I am . http://www.gidforums.com/t-23143.html
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Annoyances.org - Question about 'How do I use the built-in CD ... Everything seems fine except that when I try to move files to a blank CD, the . I get an error message saying "D:\ is not accessible Incorrect Function". . In the Run dialog box, in the Open text box, type: D:\Setup.exe (where D . http://www.annoyances.org/exec/forum/winxp/t1055209485
How can I fix my HP CDROM/DVD drive glitch :: Online Tech ... Now the door does not open. When I check property the system says it works fine. I have a blank CD in it which is recognized by DVD Burner. Hp's troubleshoot . http://www.askdavetaylor.com/how_can_i_fix_my_hp_cdromdvd_drive_glitch.html?page=all
Samsung SH-S182D / TS-H652D DVD Writer - VideoHelp.com When i insert a blank dvd or a blank cd, the drive changes from DVD-RAM Drive( E:) to CD . and if try to open it by double-clicking , it says 'Incorrect Function' . http://www.videohelp.com/dvdwriters/samsung-sh-s182d-ts-h652d/1608
Sony DRU-800 DVD Writer Please help my DVD writer will not recognise blank discs. . DVDs in my Sony drive for that reason - should anything go wrong, they can't point the finger at anyone else; . After doing so inserting a blank CD opened a writable CD window and . the enable box has restored the functionality to his machine. http://computerhaven.info/forum/tm.aspx?m=34595&mpage=1
Copy to CD-RW: Incorrect Function | Windows Secrets Lounge Copy to CD-RW: Incorrect Function: I've got a new system with XPH. . I have a new Dell box, and when I put a blank CD-R disk in the the drive, I get a message box offering the . I'm open to being educated on this stuff. http://windowssecrets.com/forums/showthread.php/16810-Copy-to-CD-RW-Incorrect-Function
DVD drive inaccessible? - CNET Computer newbies Forums In essense, the blank CD comes up as being an empty drive. . From now on, when you need to burn a CD, simply open your Nero . All of a sudden my burner kept returning "incorrect function" when a blank media was put in. http://forums.cnet.com/7723-6121_102-122453/dvd-drive-inaccessible/
Windows XP: When CD Burning is Broken–Diagnosis and Repair ... Jan 20, 2007 . 1) Inserting a blank CD into the CDRW drive would sometimes bring up the . Incorrect Function" that one usually gets when trying to read a blank disk . 6) If you opened "My Computer" and right-clicked on the CD drive to get . http://davidcmoisan.wordpress.com/2007/01/20/windows-xp-when-cd-burning-is-broken-diagnosis-and-repair/
Unable to erase CD-RW disc with ASUS CRW-5232AS CD-RW ... Jan 19, 2007 . Incorrect Function", when double clicked. Normally, the blank CD folder should open, when a blank CD-R/ RW disc is inserted in WinXP...which . http://club.myce.com/f34/unable-erase-cd-rw-disc-asus-crw-5232as-cd-rw-drive-serious-issue-206944/
#3827 (Unable to burn CDs in Windows XP guest OS) – Oracle VM ... Opened 3 years ago . Issue: Whenever I try to access the CD-Rom (go into explorer and double click the CD-Rom), I get an error message that says "J:\ is not accessible. Incorrect Function.". . It is just blank CDs that I have the issue with. https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/3827
Where to Buy Blank CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs – The Digital FAQ ... Where to Buy Blank CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs . Be sure to see the blank media guides for more info on DVD quality. . Their “Buyer Guides” have some incorrect and misleading information, so be aware of . Review: It's convenient to have a store that is open 24 hours a day and carries first-class Sony DVD blanks at . http://www.digitalfaq.com/reviews/buy-blank-discs.htm
Full CD-based(iso) distro install and config steb-by-step HOWTO ... This steb-by-step HOWTO shows how to do full CD-based install of Xubuntu using coLinux. The "initrd . (http://gniarf.nerim.net/colinux/blank/) - pre-prepared unformatted images . Open \path\to\xubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386-initrd.gz in 7- zip File Manager, . C:\>\path\to\filedisk\filedisk.exe /umount r: r: Incorrect function . http://colinux.wikia.com/wiki/Full_CD-based(iso)_distro_install_and_config_steb-by-step_HOWTO_(based_on_Xubuntu-7.10)
Single User (859) - Virtual CD Another quick issue is opening is that in general any function I try to open takes a while. . that doing so would eliminate the error message, "The parameter is incorrect. . I'm creating new blank virtual cd and insert it in a virtual burner used . http://www.virtualcd-online.com/vcd/apps/support/cforum.cfm?forumgroup=58&lg=0
ITsVISTA Tip 10: How to Burn a CD with Vista | ITsVISTA Dec 24, 2006 . I'll be archiving some video files to blank CD-Rs, and I just want a standard ISO9660 disk . Vista will do a quick 'preparation' of the disc, and then a window will open showing your empty disc. . This states: Incorrect function. http://itsvista.com/2006/12/itsvista-tip-10-how-to-burn-a-cd-with-vista/
"incorrect function" message . a cd-rom burn it comes up with the 'incorrect function' message. I' . On Fri, 24 Oct 2008 11:36:26 +1300, ~misfit~ propped his eyelids open with . been doing odd things, not recognising blank discs, producing the odd . http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t641140-incorrect-function-message.html
CTX127424 - Citrix XenDesktop 5 - Issues Fixed in This Release ... Mar 10, 2012 . When a blank CD or DVD is placed in a client mapped CD or DVD drive, My . When double-clicking the drive, an "Incorrect function" error message appears. . Open the xml file created in the previous step and locate the . http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX127424
#3827 (Unable to burn CDs in Windows XP guest OS) – Oracle VM ... Opened 3 years ago . Issue: Whenever I try to access the CD-Rom (go into explorer and double click the CD-Rom), I get an error message that says "J:\ is not accessible. Incorrect Function.". . It is just blank CDs that I have the issue with. https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/3827
Express Burn Versions Fixed Burning "mp3 Cd" as image fails if file to burn re-encoded(original file is not mp3) . window is not opening; Updated the add folder item adding functionality. . disc capacity of 737Mb being displayed for blank 700Mb CD; Fixed incorrect . http://www.nch.com.au/burn/versions.html
CD-ROM is inaccessible, function is incorrect - Computer Care ... CD-ROM is inaccessible, function is incorrect Hardware's Place of . Open my computer, and open the property dialog of the burner drive, . http://www.computercare.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=2467
Blank CDs - How To Information | eHow.com The data can be erased from the CD… How to Fix: Blank CD Not Accessible And Incorrect Function. When inserting a new, blank CD into the disc drive of your . http://www.ehow.com/blank-cds/
DVD Burner Problem - (Drive is not accessible, Incorrect function ... Apr 10, 2009 . DVD Burner Problem - (Drive is not accessible, Incorrect function) . Thread Status: Not open for further replies. . Before I formatted, I could drag and drop to blank CDs and DVDs, however, now, Whenever I do that, it'd say (I . http://www.techspot.com/community/topics/dvd-burner-problem-drive-is-not-accessible-incorrect-function.125734/
Latest in CD & DVD Data Management | eHow.co.uk Memcache is an open-sourced memory caching program you can install on your website. . Copying your music to the wrong type of CD will prevent it from playing in . Blank CD media is not created equal---they can vary wildly in material quality . desktop computers that offer a range of features, functions and hardware. http://www.ehow.co.uk/new-in-1140623.html
vSphere 5.0 Release Notes Aug 24, 2011 . You can run the ESXi 5.0 installer from a CD-ROM or DVD drive to perform an . command-line interface (CLI) to perform all VMware Tools functions. . in the installation wizard, a browser opens and displays a blank page . Symbolic links referencing incorrect files and folders might cause this problem. http://www.vmware.com/support/vsphere5/doc/vsphere-esx-vcenter-server-50-release-notes.html
The famous CloneCD - regardless if they are copy protected or not! Tray-icon allows control over functional usage of inserted media. Copies from . In this case CloneCD opens a requester informing you that the image might be too big. . CloneCD isn't restricted to the size of a blank CD, as long as the writer can cope with it (check this). . Something went wrong while uninstalling CloneCD. http://www.clone.cd/software/clonecd_en.html
Version history - CDCheck Help - latest help can be found ... (otherwise part of normal operation), message was reported on CD/DVD devices . for easier bug solving * when opening options dialog the autodetected ASPI . to fail with "Incorrect function parameter" under W2K,NT,XP (this seems to be . ( consequence of incorrect read error bugfix in - browse empty dir AV . http://www.kvipu.com/CDCheck/Help/history.html
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CD-ROM/DVD - Computer Support "Incorrect function" error message when you access the CD-ROM drive, the DVD- ROM drive, or the CD-RW drive . CD-RW Drive Does Not Eject Blank Media . http://www.askpcexperts.com/kb/?catID=2
Windows NT 4.0 Known Bugs and Limitations. Apr 7, 2010 . A serious bug in Scsiport.sys can result in incorrect or incomplete detection . When you first open Event Viewer, the most recent events in the . menu just as the 'redraw' occurs, the 'Send To' menu may be blank. . 104074, Err Msg: Incorrect Function. . 135593, Bottom Portion of CD Player is Inaccessible . http://nt4ref.zcm.com.au/bugs.htm
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